artist spotlight


andy gomez

But we have to remember to have fun and be adventurous, because if you’re not having fun with your work, why are you doing it in the first place?

jun baek

Art, for me, is all about me, but at the same time it’s all about others. I use myself as a representation to demonstrate ideas…

amelie shypilova

To me, ‘Tender’ immediately makes me think of the relationships I have with people, because by far that’s the most important value to me as a human…

oliver rinne

I enjoy hearing the reaction that artistically my work is something people want to stay with but they must work through actually viewing it, whether it be because they struggle with the gore, their own feelings/ experiences…

amruta rane

I hope that people relate to what I make and understand it. I hope it makes them think about their own art and see if they can combine my ideas with theirs and if after doing so, they can relate to it more.